Thirty-five years ago, twenty young professionals in the fields of addiction, mental health, and education gathered in Santa Barbara to discuss their work with young and adult children from alcoholic families. From that gathering, the ...
When speaking with substance use disorder (SUD) counselors, the topic of drug testing often elicits mixed reactions. On one hand, counselors may sometimes view it when used by others as punitive (e.g., concluding an employment ...
Dear Dr. Galardi, I’m a forty-two-year old female executive working with a Fortune 500 company. In the last year, with the help of my doctor, I’ve lost 130 pounds. I have about forty pounds left ...
As a recovering journalist, publisher, observer, and commentator, I am struck by the enormity of current developments in the world of addiction. We can all agree that chemical and behavioral addictions can no longer be ...
Dear Dr. Galardi, I’m a forty-seven-year-old recovering alcoholic. I’ve been in sustained recovery for five years. I go to AA meetings regularly, but lately I’ve been feeling that something’s missing. I know there is such ...
While there have been many challenges to local municipalities’ attempts to regulate or otherwise limit sober-living facilities, there are few reported cases where plaintiffs have challenged the statewide licensure or certification regulations. Judicial opinions discuss ...
In a previous column (April 2018), I wrote about the genesis of the opioid crisis. While possibly informative, it provided little information about potential solutions currently being offered and identifying those whose major effect is ...
What happens when a parent is discharged from addiction treatment and comes home? Who prepares the children for understanding that sobriety brings a new set of challenges? If these children have not been part of ...
Lawyers learn stress early. They stress through three years of law school, they stress preparing for and taking the bar exam, and they stress at highly competitive jobs in law firms, corporations, and government. Stress ...
For many years I conducted early recovery groups as a guest presenter in multiple inpatient, residential, and/or ambulatory treatment programs for clients with co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders (CODs). I also conducted recovery and/or ...