Last month, federal agents from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in New York City seized forty pounds of fentanyl from a man in a Bronx hotel—the largest bust of fentanyl in the state’s history (Greene, ...
An ongoing study by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) has preliminary results showing that a quarter of first responders struggle with mental health issues such as depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; ...
A study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and carried out by researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park, determined that “college students who regularly consume energy drinks are at a ...
Earlier this month, Tom Price, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), made a statement about a vaccine to fight opioid addiction in a press briefing about the administration’s pledge to ...
A study published last week in JAMA Psychiatry found that the number of Americans engaging in risky drinking behavior has increased considerably—approximately thirty million people binge drink once per week (De la Cretaz, 2017; Grant ...
On July 31, 2017, the Trump administration’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis released their interim report, which urged the administration to “declare a national emergency” regarding the addiction problems in the ...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced their goal to reduce the amount of nicotine in cigarettes for the first time in its history in an attempt to curb addiction (Chappell, 2017). After ...
In an effort to curb the opioid epidemic’s effects on Virginia, which declared opioid use a public health emergency last year, Governor Terry McAuliffe signed a law allowing syringe access programs in the state. ...
On July 1, 2017, Florida passed a law that would better regulate “services provided to substance use patients” and enforce “tighter penalties for companies scamming addicts” (Danford, 2017). The bill was developed by the ...
Treatment providers from four different American Indian tribes in North Dakota recently met with the state’s Department of Human Services to discuss various issues regarding addiction and its treatment. Bruce Gillette, who directs the ...