While giving my patient, Cynthia, an acupuncture treatment the other day, she started sharing with me about her experiences dealing with several stressed-out clients.
Mutuality of need can bring positive collaboration and mutual benefits. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) and the National Association for Children of Addiction (NACoA) have collectively about 120 affiliate organizations in ...
On February 6, 1968, actor Nick Adams was found dead in his Coldwater Canyon home in Los Angeles, California. He had hitchhiked to Hollywood boasting, “Some men bet on horses or dogs. I gambled on ...
Occasionally I get asked the question, “Leo, what do you believe?” If these people had read Counselor magazine the past few months, they’d know what I believe. In February of this year, I wrote concerning ...
In part one of this column I discussed grief of family members who lost loved ones to addiction. I discussed how we lose our loved ones in many ways: Active addiction, which takes center ...
This is the second and final installment in a series focusing on cultivating the quality of deep-seated contentment, which constitutes an integral component in enhancing our recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, other addictive disorders. This ...
Occasionally I get asked the question, “Leo, what do you believe?” If these people had read Counselor magazine the past few months, they’d know what I believe. In February of this year, I wrote concerning ...
Dear Dr. Toni, I am a fifty-seven-year-old man who’s been in recovery for five years. I’ve never been married but I’ve had many relationships with women romantically. I’m a very giving person and seem ...
Since Counselor’s primary objective is to provide our readership with tools to be more effective addiction and mental health counselors and therapists, we rarely venture into today’s most pertinent issues affecting all of us who ...
“Fifteen years ago, I could not envision a time when leaders of major national medical organizations would gather at the White House, as they did last September, to discuss initiatives developed by NACoA. Fifteen years ...