Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic educates readers about the following issues and how they can impact the mother-son dynamic:
- The loss of a biological mother
- Emotional incest
- Codependency
- Expressing anger and rage
- Creating boundaries
- Passivity
- Compassion fatigue
Lee uses personal stories, case studies, and exercises to help men learn a more acceptable way to handle and form relationships. Aside from featuring “Exercises for Sons,” Lee also provides exercises for mothers, mothers and sons together, and partners. These exercises include letter-writing, lists, questionnaires, and role-playing scenarios that can aid in bringing awareness to the dysfunctional relationships that can occur between mothers and sons, and sons and partners as a result.
Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic’s introduction explains how it can help not only men, but all readers:
To the Reader
Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic has been written with you in mind from the start, to help you view your relationship in non-shaming, non-blaming ways so you can clearly see, break, and dismantle what has become destructive. It provides both men and women with fresh and sometimes frightening insights into the mysterious bond—or bondage—between millions of mothers and sons and how this bond impacts women as lovers, wives, and girlfriends.
The awareness of this dynamic will improve and perhaps change or save marriages, dating relationships, and the experience of living together, and increase the functionality of the family by showing everyone who is ready how to make a clean, clear, shame-free, guilt-free separation—to break free from the kind of unhealthy mothering and “sonning” that just hasn’t worked. All of this will be a conscious, compassionate uncoupling of mothers and sons. Here comes the best part: I’m going to show you how to do the “work” and what the payoffs are for saying goodbye to Mom.
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