“Aha” Moments Keep Coming
When I edited this issue of Counselor, I observed two recurring themes: One involved the importance of resilience; the other emphasized the necessary component of spirituality to establish and maintain recovery. As I read and digested the information, I realized (in an “aha” moment) resilience and spirituality go hand in hand.
The Twelfth Step says it best: Having had a spiritual awaking as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Through resilience, we learn to embrace our hardships and difficulties and recognize that we become stronger as a result. The idea of “hitting bottom” comes to mind. Our pain and suffering becomes so great that we recognize our powerlessness and turn to a power greater than ourselves for help. We establish purpose and meaning in life as we begin to do service for others. We become less preoccupied with self and more involved in helping others and doing the next right thing. As we do the next right thing and help others, our self-esteem and self-worth grow—which promotes the healing process and aids in building resilience to provide more service to others.
You will find different takes on resilience in two articles featured in this issue: “The Undefeated Mind: Six Strategies for Mustering the Strength to Overcome Addiction” and “The Resilient Woman: Mastering the 7 Steps to Personal Power.” This month, two columns delve into powerful spirituality messages. They include From Leo’s Desk, “Heresy is Necessary” by Rev. Leo Booth, and the Wellness column, “Deepening our Connection with our Higher Power” by John Newport, Ph.D.
As counselors, healthcare workers and the like, you provide a valuable service to your clients by helping them learn about recovery and aiding them in the process of healing through your professional training, passion and experience. I have great appreciation for the services you provide to clients suffering from alcoholism and drug abuse. I hope this issue enlightens and inspires you in your endeavors to help others. Please email me with your feedback, article ideas and submissions.
Ann Gossy
Executive Editor