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Counselor is Proud to Announce our Partnership with Renew Magazine

Dear Reader,


It is with pleasure and pride that we announce our partnership with Renew magazine.


Created in 2010 by Publisher James Moorhead, Renew’s mission remains the same—to offer hope and guidance to all those seeking respite from substance abuse disorders by communicating the power and possibility of recovery.


Simply, Renew is designed to send a message to all those suffering from addictive disease as well as the many new to recovery who are working their way toward a better life: that recovery is about living truly rewarding, full, and joyful lives.  


Counselor, the Magazine for Addiction and Behavioral Health Professionals, is regarded as the most authoritative and independent journal for those who work directly in the field of addiction and mental health. 


It is our hope that subscribers to Counselor will not only value Renew magazine for themselves, but especially for their clients.


Together, Counselor and Renew represent the best of science and spirituality. Together, we will have a strong positive impact on individual recovery, while helping to reduce our society’s ever-present stigma associated with addiction.


We hope you will welcome, subscribe to, and embrace Renew.


Be Well,


Peter Vegso,
Publisher, Counselor