Parents of individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs) must have a high tolerance for aberrant behavior. My two sons struggled for decades with addiction to heroin and are both now in long-term recovery. This is ...
Imagine you had a child (a young adult) who was secreted away to treatment for COVID-19, and no one would talk about it due to stigma associated with this dreaded, life-threatening disease. This is what ...
Understanding the escalating wave of addiction and mental illness coming at the American family from the COVID-19 onslaught can help strengthen the imperative of “seeing” the children right in front of us. These are the ...
As a cofounder of NACoA, I had my own childhood experiences with an alcoholic father. Times have changed; today, opiates, methamphetamine, and cannabis are more common and polysubstance use is the norm. Despite these vicissitudes, ...
These competencies are presented as a specific guide to the core knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential to the ability of clergy and pastoral ministers to meet the needs of persons with alcohol or drug dependence ...
“The faith community has unique opportunities to provide information and a supportive environment that welcomes and supports children and families suffering from the effects of addiction in the family. Trust can be rebuilt and healthy ...
“We believe you deserve to heal from addiction too.” from brochure of St. Joseph’s Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers’ Family Program, Saranac Lake, New York When we talk about advances in treatment, what are we ...