Current Issue


As the Workforce Craters, is a Ladder the Way Out?

Society continues to stigmatize people with addiction by consistently paying addiction professionals less than their mental health and physical health counterparts.

Boosting Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty

It is clear to me that the best plan in the face of a threat is adaptability—to show up resolute in my flexibility.

Why Does Recovery Capital Matter?

The concept of recovery capital provides a language that brings together these shared components of change in a framework characterized by the essential elements of recovery.

Our Worst Nightmare: Active Shooter Risk and Preparation

Increased risk does not mean imminent danger. Simple math tells us that 90 percent of individuals with co-occurring disorders do not commit violent acts.

Reconstructing Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods for Young Adults with SUDs

This article will introduce an example of more recent empirical work that aligns with deconstructionist models of diagnosis and therapy.

Sexual Health Theory and LGBTQIA+ Clients in Behavioral Health Settings

While the heterosexual faction of our client population is affected by sexual health concerns, another population that continue to be systematically ignored and disproportionately affected are our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/aromantic/agender (LGBTQIA+) constituents.

A Glimpse into the Growing Dynamic of Grandparent Kinship Care Due to Parental SUDs

An increase in foster/kinship is partially due to parental substance use disorders.

Getting Back in Shape during the Pandemic

Taking charge of our health entails an active and ongoing commitment to pursuing a wellness lifestyle, optimizing both our physical health status and overall sense of well-being.

Maintaining Sobriety: Why College is the Most Critical Period for Young Adults

For many reasons, college is the most critical period for young adults trying to maintain their sobriety.

“Make Me An Offer, so I Can Spit On It!”: Problematic Adolescent Games

Difficult teenagers present perceptual and behavioral patterns that can be confusing or seem illogical or immoral to adults.

Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Counselors and Nurse Practitioners Working to Improve the Well-Being of Opioid-Using Adolescents

One of the challenges of addressing mental health, health care, and addiction issues among adolescents as well as the larger population is that treatment professionals are segmented into such discrete specialty areas.

Gaps in the Timeliness and Specificity of SUD Diagnosis and Treatment for Pregnant Medicaid Enrollees

Substance use disorder (SUD) in the period around birth increases risks of adverse outcomes for mothers and their children.